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ぼやんだ桜 - dim cherry blossom

Day 27 ... It's a cold April day and my cat is on my lap. Good afternoon, 🌸☘️🌞💮🦋 Dim Cherry Blossom  is a poem about " Nevertheless" . No matter how bad the environment or wearing tattered clothes, a beautiful heart will always shine as it is. 🌸🌸🌸 ぼやんだ桜 日差し隠すも光明だ - ミチー ライン 🦋🦋🦋 The dim cherry blossoms hide the sunlight but are still bright. - Michie Lyne  ☘️☘️☘️ Dim Cherry-blossoms, photo, M Lyne, 2024.
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View Upward

  Day 26 ...  Radio 6 is playing groovy songs, instrumental, and then songs. Good afternoon, ☕️⛅✨💙 View Upward  is a poem about  meditation, trying to return to a good state of mind from any distress situation. The imaginary environment lifts her mind to somewhere unreal. View Upward She lies on the grass and closed her eyes. The pain is increasing, Feeling the sunlight from the skies. The warm sunlight calms her heart White in colour, Removing her mind apart From her entire body in pain Like a living thing, To ear her, but in vain. Because she begins to relax, as if The decreasing pain had flown off Absorbed into the earth atmosphere The weight of the eyelids becomes lighter. "Ah, I can feel this day again." A warm and calm afternoon. - Michie Lyne 💙🍃🍃💙🍃🍃💙 上を向いて 彼女は草の上に横たわって目を閉じた 痛みが増してきている、 空からの日差しを感じる。 暖かい日差しが彼女の心を落ち着かせる 色は白、 彼女は心を切り離す、 苦痛に満ちた全身から まるで生き物のように、 彼女を食べる、でもそれは無理。 なぜなら、彼女はリラックスし始め 減りつつある痛みが吹き飛んだかのように 地球の大気中に吸収される そしてまぶたの重さか軽くなる ”ああ、また今日という日を感

桜 - Cherry-blossoms

Day 25 ... it's sunny. Warmth fills the air. Good morning, ☕️📖🌷🌿🐦🍃 桜 is a poem about the ephemerality of double cherry blossoms. Each petal is as thin as paper and becomes translucent when exposed to light. But the flowers steadily open one by one, day by day. 🍃🍃🍃 一枚一枚繊細な花びら開く八重桜 - ミチーライン Delicate petals Opening one by one Double cherry-blossoms - Michie Lyne 💮💮💮 Double cherry-blossoms, photo, M Lyne, 2024.

林檎花 - Apple blossom

Day 24 ... it is a cloudy day.  Good afternoon, 🍎🌱🤗🪴🌸 林檎花 - Apple blossom   is a poem about a hope,  When the sky is grey and overcast, the little pink flower buds are having hopeful dreams through the glass mirror of morning dew. 🌸🌸🌸 くすんだ空に林檎花 朝露乗せて夢を見る - ミチーライン Apple blossoms in the dull sky Dreaming with morning dew. - Michie Lyne  🌸🌸🌸 Morning dew, photo, M Lyne, 2024.  11 April, 2024.


Day 23 ... it is a beautiful sunny day.  Good afternoon, 😊🐱🐝🐾🎶🌼🌱🍏 Hyacinth is a poem about recovery. Sometimes people get seriously ill or something incredibly bad happens to them. However, with the kind help of others, people manage to overcome difficulties. A good society is a good world. Hyacinth White and gold path Early morning, spring sun The cluster of hyacinth Found lying down Even though, pink florets Blooming like a tiny crown A faint scent calls  Me to lend a hand The pink hyacinth Are you in pain? The cluster of pink florets Gently pull up the gown - Michie Lyne Photo by Michie L. 2024 ヒヤシンス 白と金の小道 早朝、春の日差し ヒヤシンスの房 倒れているのが見つかる それでもピンクの小花 小さな王冠のように咲いている 微かな香りが私を呼び 私は手を貸した ピンクのヒヤシンス 苦しい? ピンク小花の房 ガウンをそっと引き上げる − ミチーライン


Day 22 ... I'm having chamomile tea today...🍵 Good morning, 🍞☕🍯🍎🍅🍒 Infusion is a poem about cranberry tea, describing the sensation of hot tea coursing through my entire body, it's like a magic potion that liberates myself. Infusion Let yourself free sometimes, to drip Into the void as if, to slip Into a weightless cruise ship. May the waves envelop me My veins, my arteries, free Me in the fusion sea. No worries, nothing serious As it seems, just delirious But rather, nutritious. Let me be myself, sometimes. - Michie Lyne 🌸🍎🍒🌸🍎🍒 煎じ薬 時には自分を解放して、 空虚に滴り落ちて、まるで 無重力クルーズ船に 滑り落ちるかのように 波が私を包み込んでくれますように 私の静脈、私の動脈 注入の海の中で私を 解放して 心配しないで、深刻なことは何もない ただ夢中になっているだけ むしろ栄養豊富 時々、ありのままの自分でいさせて −ミチー・ライン Cranberries, pastel, M Lyne, 2024 Process ⌛

Eiffel Tower

Day 21 ... Right now, a collection of poems is open in front of me.📖🔖 I am listening to BBC radio 3.🎵 Good afternoon, 🌼🍀🍊🍪 The Eiffel Tower is a nostalgic poem and leads to positive thoughts. It may be related to fetishism, though. The simply forgotten object represented something related to her memory. Eiffel Tower From Paris, a little souvenir A pocket-sized miniature Was looking at her from the corner Of the piano, as if being a foreigner Lucky was, the little Eiffel tower He got her attention from her Now, she remembered all How pleasant the days were! With the little lucky Eiffel tower They will pick up where they left off To set off! - Michie Lyne 💖🌸🌷☕ エッフェル塔 パリからのちょっとしたお土産 ポケットサイズのミニチュア ピアノの隅から彼女を眺めていた まるで外国人であるかのように 幸運にも、小さなエッフェル塔 彼は彼女から注意を引いた 今、彼女は全てを思い出した なんて楽しい日々だったのだろう! 小さな幸運のエッフェル塔と一緒に 彼らは中断した所からまた始める 新たな旅立ち。 ミチー・ライン A photo by Michie L, 2024


Day 20 ...  The sky is getting brighter  Good morning, ☕🍞🍅🍇 Tulip  is a poem about a tulip in my bouquet.  In multiple colours: purple, white, yellow, and orange. What I really liked were the two-coloured tulips: orange and yellow. I was just looking at them and looking back at myself. Tulip My tulip of my drawing Orange in yellow Mellow afternoon Each petal opens, I feel The subtle touch, I breathe The subtle scent Suddenly, a drop of tear Wells up in my eye, Thought, I breathe Not to let it fall. - Michie Lyne 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 チユーリップ 私の描いた私のチユーリップ 黄色の中にオレンジ色 穏やかな午後 花びらが、一つ一つ開く、 繊細な感触を感じ、 繊細な香りを吸い込む 突然、一滴の涙がこみ上げてくる でも、息を吸い込む 落とさないように ミチー・ライン My Tulip, pastel on paper, Michie Lyne, 2024.